Web Tips & Tools

Get your own virtual ID for free!

Your own virtual ID for free! In this new age of Virtual everything it’s time to go virtual with your business cards too. I’ve discovered DooID located at

In this new age of Virtual everything it’s time to go virtual with your business cards too.  Even better, you can add it to your email signature so that all your contact details are in one place.

I’ve discovered DooID located at and, in my opinion, it’s the best there is.  I tried several others, including, which just didn’t match up.

Here’s my DooID


The free version is easy to use and looks great.

It took me a little while to figure out how to incorporate it in my emails but I’m glad I did.  Now anyone reading my emails can click on it and see all my contact details, websites and social networking links.

To save you time here are my instructions to set it up in MS Office Outlook.

  1. Go to DooID and set up your own virtual card
  2. After you have set up your account click on Settings (or Login again)
  3. Select ‘Startpage settings’
  4. Right click on the ‘Get it now…!’ link for Your E-mail signature and open the link in a new tab
  5. On the Email Signature tab complete the details and select Save signature to update it.
  6. Scroll down and select ‘Other email programs’
  7. Select the code and copy (Ctrl+C to copy)
    The code will look like this, where YOURDOOID will be the ID you set up at DooID:
    <a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” alt=”YOURDOOID” border=”0″ /></a>
  8. Open Outlook.  (I use Outlook 2003 so your version may be a little different and you may have to vary these instructions to suit)
  9. Go to Tools/Options/Mail Format and click on the Signatures button
  10. Select New then fill in the Form with name (example – DooID Signature) and select Start with a new signature
  11. A new Edit Signature window opens.  Select Advanced Edit.  This will open a text editor such as Notepad.
  12. Paste (Ctrl+V) the code then close the editor.
  13. After a few seconds your DooID image should now show in the Create Signature window.  Click on OK to save and close it.
  14. In the Options Window select your new signature in the drop-down boxes for the signature options –  ‘Signature for new messages’ and for’ Signature for replies and forwards’

And there you have it.  Your own virtual ID for free!

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